
The Debate Over ‘Jungle Fever’ : PRO-NJERI

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T imes staff writer Itabari Njeri’s commentary on Spike Lee’s film “Jungle Fever” (“Doing the Wrong Thing,” June 23) has prompted an outpouring from readers, with responses supporting Lee outnumbering those supporting Njeri about 2 to 1. A sampling:

Lee and ‘Anglo-Bashing’

In these dark days of Anglo-bashing, in which few see the racist overtones of declaring oneself a “person of color” (as if whites are translucent albinos with no sense of identity or pride), thank you for having the uncommon courage to print Njeri’s expose revealing black nationalist Lee for the low-life racist most “politically correct” Caucasians already knew him to be.

Perhaps you could next have Njeri comment on why the spineless film critics heaping praise on “Jungle Fever” suffer from such acute white wimp “guilt fever.”



Monterey Park
