
ANAHEIM : Council Targets Gangs and Drugs

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The City Council voted Tuesday to create a plan to fight the gang and drug problems that residents say are plaguing parts of the city.

The move came after a local residents’ group, the Orange County Congregation Community Organization, spent months lobbying city officials to turn their attention toward problems related to gang membership and drug abuse. The council’s resolution gives the city manager 90 days to come up with a strategy for dealing with these problems.

“This is the first step, obviously it’s not the end of it,” said Rick Connor, a group member.


Another member, Dianne Horn, said that she was pleased with council’s action but added that the group will monitor the council’s progress. “We’re going to follow up every 30 days,” she said.

The city’s plan is likely to include elements of the group’s four key suggestions: alternative youth activities such as after-school activities, more neighborhood police officers, more bilingual outreach workers and police and code enforcement officers, and additional services such as drug and alcohol detoxification centers and job training courses.
