
CLIPBOARD : Party Affiliations

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Researched by KATHIE BOZANICH / Los Angeles Times

Although Orange County has been a strong supporter of Republican presidential candidates for many years, as recently as 1978 the Democratic Party held an edge in registration. Since then the Democratic ranks have dwindled each year while the GOP has made corresponding gains. The percentage of voters identifying with neither party has declined slightly but remains twice what it was in 1970.

Here’s the trend in registered voters for the general election in each even-year election since 1970:

* Other Political % of Total % of Total Parties and Registered Registered Registered Registered Declined Year Democrats Voters Republicans Voters to State 1970 252,590 41.3 326,459 53.3 32,957 1972 337,279 42.5 394,935 49.7 61,960 1974 356,930 43.9 391,593 48.2 63,799 1976 390,445 45.3 399,099 46.3 71,999 1978 407,668 45.8 404,653 45.5 77,315 1980 422,303 41.7 465,792 46.0 125,242 1982 413,226 40.5 486,105 47.6 121,955 1984 412,706 37.4 569,878 51.6 121,646 1986 387,860 35.6 591,381 54.2 110,896 1988 410,644 34.7 650,348 55.0 122,174 1990 370,179 33.9 606,889 55.6 113,886


% of Total Registered Year Voters 1970 5.4 1972 7.8 1974 7.9 1976 8.4 1978 8.7 1980 12.3 1982 11.9 1984 11.0 1986 10.2 1988 10.3 1990 10.5

* Other political parties include American Independent, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom. In each case, voters who declined to state a party affiliation made up the largest percentage in this grouping.

Source: Registrar of Voters , Orange County
