
The Members of the Panel

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<i> The following are members of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, which was charged with investigating the LAPD in the wake of the police beating of Rodney G. King</i>

Who: Warren Christopher, chairman.

Position: Chairman, law firm of O’Melveny & Myers.

Background: Deputy secretary of state under President Jimmy Carter, deputy attorney general under President Lyndon B. Johnson, vice chairman of the McCone Commission, which investigated the Watts riots. Active in Democratic politics.

Who: John A. Arguelles, vice chairman.

Position: With Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Newport Beach office.

Background: Retired California Supreme Court justice. Active in Republican political circles. Asked by Police Chief Daryl F. Gates to chair a panel that would investigate the LAPD. Became vice chairman of the Christopher Commission when the two panels merged.

Who: Roy A. Anderson

Position: Chairman emeritus, Lockheed Corp.

Background: Former chairman and chief executive officer of Lockheed. Serves, along with Christopher, on the Stanford University board of trustees and the board of directors of First Interstate Bancorp and Southern California Edison.


Who: Willie R. Barnes

Position: Partner, law firm of Katten, Muchin, Zavis & Weitzman.

Background: Former California commissioner of corporations. Specializes in corporate and securities law.

Who: Leobardo F. Estrada

Position: Associate professor of architecture and urban planning, UCLA.

Background: Expert in racial and ethnic statistics, focusing on the Latino population. Former staff assistant to deputy director of the U.S. Census Bureau.

Who: Mickey Kantor

Position: Partner, law firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips.

Background: Los Angeles lawyer and lobbyist. Well-known Democratic party strategist.

Who: Richard M. Mosk

Position: Partner, law firm of Sanders, Barnet, Jacobson, Goldman & Mosk.

Background: Former president of the Federal Bar Assn. Member of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal. Member of the staff of the Warren Commission, which investigated assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Who: Andrea Sheridan Ordin

Position: Partner, law firm of Pepper, Hamilton & Schaetz.

Background: Recently stepped down as California’s chief assistant attorney general, supervising antitrust, consumer protection, environmental and civil rights cases. Former U.S. attorney in Los Angeles. Former adjunct professor at UCLA Law School.

Who: John Brooks Slaughter

Position: President, Occidental College.

Background: Specializes in electronics engineering, active in efforts to involve minorities in science and engineering. Former director of the National Science Foundation.

Who: Dr. Robert E. Tranquada

Position: Professor and former dean of USC School of Medicine

Background: Expert in diabetes and metabolic diseases. Former associate director of the South Central Multipurpose Health Center after the Watts riots.


SOURCE: Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department
