
A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week. : CITY COUNCIL

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* CITIES AGREE: Approved an agreement between the city of Los Angeles and the city of Beverly Hills for joint funding of street improvements along Robertson Boulevard from the alley south of Burton Way to Clifton Way and a portion of Robertson at Whitworth Drive. Most of the work will be done in Beverly Hills. The project will cost an estimated $1.2 million, with Los Angeles’ share about $44,000.

* PARKLAND: Approved a request by Councilman Marvin Braude to support a proposed $14-million federal appropriation for parkland acquisition in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

* REWARD: Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky introduced a motion to offer $25,000 for information leading to the identification and capture of those responsible for the stabbing death of Versie Minnitte Reed, 27, whose body was found dumped near Sepulveda and Sunset boulevards in April. The request must be approved by the council and the mayor.



* LATCHKEY: Approved $204,411 in funding for the city Department of Recreation and Parks’ “latchkey” child-care program for low-income families. The city’s eight centers, including one in Baldwin Park, are attended by 397 children. The funding must be approved by the council and mayor.


* WATER KITS: Approved a proposal to develop a program to deliver and install water conservation devices to 100,000 single-family residences throughout the city. The request was sent to the Department of Water and Power for implementation.

Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Joel Wachs, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky.


* FREEZE LIFTED: Approved lifting the council-imposed hiring freeze to hire a part-time recreation assistant at $133.50 a week to provide tours and other public service at the Drum Barracks Civil War Museum in Wilmington.

Voting yes: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter, Nate Holden, Wachs and Woo.

* THE OLD LIBRARY: Approved spending $238,000 toward restoring the old Eagle Rock Library. The library is undergoing a $1.2-million face lift, which includes seismic reinforcement work. All funds are being reimbursed to the city through state grants and bond funds.

Voting yes: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter, Wachs, Woo and Yaroslavsky.

* FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Approved a resolution recognizing the new republics of Slovenia and Croatia in their bid of independence from the central Yugoslavia government. Also asked the Bush Administration and Congress to recognize sovereignty of the republics. More than 200 supporters filled the council chambers and cheered the action.


Voting yes: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter, Holden, Wachs, Woo and Yaroslavsky.
