
Commission’s LAPD Report

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Throughout the investigation of the Rodney King beating there has criticism regarding a lack of response from Latino elected officials. Some said Latino officials were avoiding the issue as if the problem of police brutality only existed between the Police Department and the African-American community. That is not true.

We in the Latino community have always been aware that the LAPD is no more immune from the diseases of discrimination and abuse than any other institution in this state. As Latinos, we face discrimination in all halls of government as do many other groups of people.

Having reviewed the commission’s findings, I am confident that the investigation was both objective and responsible, and I support its recommendations.


It is imperative that Gates retire from his position so that the Police Department can begin to re-establish a more positive and responsive role in Los Angeles.

In a city as diverse as Los Angeles it is critical that the chief of police have a record of sensitivity toward all groups of people. Through leadership, training and example that sensitivity should become a characteristic of each and every officer. It is my hope that a new police chief will be identified who exhibits such credentials.

RICHARD G. POLANCO, Assembly, D-Los Angeles
