
COUNTYWIDE : Candidate Violated Code, Panel Says

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Orange Councilman William G. Steiner, a candidate for the vacant 67th Assembly District seat, committed a “minor violation” of the candidates’ code of ethics in misrepresenting his chief opponent’s positions on abortion and Proposition 98, the ethics committee of the county Republican Party ruled Monday.

On a cross-complaint filed by Steiner against rival Mickey R. Conroy, the committee ruled that while Conroy “did not have sufficient justification” when he incorrectly claimed that Steiner voted to raise business taxes, Conroy did not violate the ethics code because he took steps to correct the record.

The complaints, stemming from information contained in campaign mailers, were heard by the ethics committee Saturday during a five-hour session. The ruling was announced Monday.


The special election for the Assembly seat vacated by John R. Lewis’ election to the state Senate is scheduled for July 23.

County GOP Chairman Thomas A. Fuentes said no corrective action was ordered in the case, which he said was minor compared to previous complaints that have resulted in “censure, admonition or condemnation” of a campaign.

“I would say that these two matters before the committee reflect a more mild level of intensity of campaign heat than we have experienced in times past,” he said.


In a statement released by his campaign, Conroy said he was pleased that Steiner “was found in violation by the committee for lying about my positions.”

But Dave Ellis, Steiner’s campaign consultant, interpreted the ruling as “both campaigns (getting) their hands slapped.”

Conroy had complained that a Steiner campaign mailer stated that Conroy opposes abortion even in “cases of rape and incest” and that Conroy had taken no position on Proposition 98, which guarantees that 40% of the state budget goes to education. Conroy said he supports Proposition 98 and opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger.
