
No Growth in City Tax Base

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As president of the Ventura County Contractors Assn., I feel compelled to voice the construction industry’s concerns about the Ventura City Council’s adamant no-growth policy. Using the water shortage is an excuse, not the reason.

The no-growth advocates do not seem to grasp the effects that no growth will have on not only the construction industry, but on the general public as well. With no new housing inventory, the cost of existing housing will increase dramatically. There will also be a construction exodus from Ventura. Building permits for a single-family home are now in the neighborhood of $26,000 and will increase. With no new construction, the city will lose tax base.

The city budget shortfall will increase, this resulting in tax increases with no new source of revenue. (We are quite sure, of course, that the council will come up with some new tax to make up for their shortsightedness).


We ask the public that this is affecting, and it will eventually affect everyone in the area, to remember this shortsighted attitude when those people in public office responsible for it are up for reelection.



Ventura County Contractors Assn.

