
Bring on the clowns. Make*A*Circus is coming to town!

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There won’t be any lions, tigers or bears.

But there will be acrobats, clowns, jugglers, stilt walkers and a contortionist.

Even the audience gets into the act.

It’s Make*A*Circus, the traveling troupe from San Francisco that rolls into Manhattan Beach on Saturday for a free family performance from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Polliwog Park amphitheater.

Combining circus techniques and theater, the performers and musicians will tell the story of a crafty spider named Anancy, who--along with his other animal friends--learns to survive a hurricane. The play is based on Caribbean folk tales.

They’ll close the show with an ecology lesson in which developer Snidley Sneed is scared into dropping plans for a shopping mall on land that the endangered quirk birds call home. In a dream, he’s visited by the ghost of the future who shows him that he, too, will become extinct if he breaks the ecology chain.


And in between the stories, the performers will do something that has made their circus unique. They’ll give workshops for youngsters and their parents--this stuff is not just for kids--on pyramid building, clowning, juggling, tumbling and stilt walking.

“It’s our biggest hit,” said Patricia Howard, who’s better known as Elasto-woman because of her contortionist routine.

She said that after the workshops, everyone is invited to perform in the ecology play. Indeed, youngsters 5 and under will flap their imaginary wings and tweet as the quirk birds.


“We’re a totally participatory show,” Howard said. “We don’t just choose one or two people to interact. We want the entire community to join us.”

And in some shows, she says, that has added up to a few hundred people.

“Sometimes you get shy ones, but when they see other kids that are much more outgoing, it’s catching and they decide they want to do it. There’s a lot of ham in kids,” she said.

During past visits to Manhattan Beach, Make*A*Circus has attracted nearly 1,000 people, according to city recreation supervisor Idris Al-Oboudi, who calls it “an event that really sticks out. It’s recreation at its purest. The more you participate, the more you enjoy.”


Saturday’s festivities come complete with food stands, face paintings booths and balloons.

The circus was formed 17 years ago by London street performer Peter Frankhan, a modern-day Pied Piper who attracted youngsters with his flute playing and clowning. They’d find an empty lot and put on a show after he’d taught them some basic circus skills. When he moved to the Bay Area, Frankhan brought the idea with him.

During a season that lasts from June through October, the troupe gives 60 shows throughout California with a $500,000 budget covered by foundation and corporate sponsors. This particular performance is underwritten by Target stores.

Scenery, costumes and other equipment are transported in a 22-foot truck decorated with a painted clown and circus scenes, while performers caravan in cars. “We set up, do a show, and strike, all in one day,” Howard said.

Alana Gentry, the circus’ managing director, said entertainment is combined “with social needs and concerns.” The shows carry messages, such as fair play and caring for the environment, and many performances are given in underprivileged communities.

“We use the program to build self-esteem and confidence in the community and in individuals,” Gentry said.

She said the high point of any Make*A*Circus visit is the applause showered on the youngsters who have become performers for the afternoon. “We insist that each child raise his arms and say, ‘Tadaaaa!’,” she said.


Commented Al-Oboudi, “A child gets to run away with the circus and he doesn’t even have to leave town.”

What: Make*A*Circus.

When: Saturday, 2 to 5 p.m.

Where: Polliwog Park, Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Redondo Avenue, Manhattan Beach.

Admission: Free.

Information: 545-5621, Ext. 321.
