
Revised Lennox Revitalization Proposal Still Draws Criticism

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Unveiling the latest version of a revitalization plan for Lennox, county planners met with a barrage of criticism Wednesday from divided and outspoken residents at a community meeting at Lennox Middle School.

The latest plan does not include provisions for eminent domain seizure of property, which planning officials dropped last October after vehement opposition from residents. County planners stressed Wednesday that the new plan would allow homeowners in three proposed commercial corridors to decide whether to sell to developers or remain in their homes.

Although some supported the revisions, which exclude creating a redevelopment district in Lennox, many residents remained suspicious of the county’s intentions for the unincorporated area. It is considered prime industrial and commercial land due to its proximity to freeways and Los Angeles International Airport. The areas being proposed for expanded commercial rezoning include all of Inglewood Avenue and Hawthorne Boulevard in Lennox, as well as several mixed-use neighborhoods along the San Diego Freeway.


Many residents said they believe the county will somehow sneak in redevelopment at a later date--an accusation denied by planning officials. Others said the commercial designations will not include enough safeguards to preserve residential neighborhoods.

Still others said the county should leave Lennox zoning unchanged, concentrating instead on increased code enforcement to eliminate unsightly, non-conforming building uses.

Sorin Alexanian, a county regional planner, said residents’ comments at the meeting and written responses to questionnaires would be reviewed by county planners, and the proposal might be modified before a final recommendation is made to the county’s Regional Planning Commission.


The plan must ultimately win approval from both the Regional Planning Commission and County Board of Supervisors.
