
Beach Lot Parking Attendant OKd

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Despite protests from about a dozen residents, the Manhattan Beach City Council Tuesday night voted to test a parking attendant system for the El Porto beach parking lot but reduced its proposed daily summer parking fee from $7 to $5. The winter fee was reduced from $5 to $4.

The north-end lot had been using metered parking for its 231 spaces. But some area homeowners complained last spring about constant cruising and speeding through the lot by beach-goers searching for vacant spots. The new system, which will be reviewed in six months, directs an attendant to monitor the speeds in the lot and to close it to cars when no spaces are available.

El Porto residents who protested Tuesday night wanted to see the meters remain intact, saying they saw no reason to change a system that already works.


In addition, several frequent beach-goers complained that the daily fee would make it too expensive for them to use the beach regularly. In response, the council approved issuing discount parking passes similar to those used at state beaches to surfers, fishermen and other frequent users of the lot.
