
Development Offers Benefits to Public

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As a Ventura city councilman for almost 18 years and having served on the Local Agency Formation Commission for 11 years, I have seen a myriad of proposed developments over the years. And I’ve voted against more than I can recall.

Were I in a position to do so, there is one proposed development before the county that would have my yes vote. It is the proposed Jordan Ranch development, which offers far-reaching benefits to those who live in our county and to our heirs who have not yet been born.

In one fell swoop, the county has an opportunity to set aside forever some 5,700 acres of parkland--including one of the most beautiful expanses of property I’ve ever seen, the panoramic China Flat. All this acreage in exchange for the right to build 750 homes and a golf course is probably the best trade the public has ever been offered.


The alternative, from my perspective, is unacceptable. It doesn’t take much imagination to picture a series of fenced ranch estates in that area, with the China Flat belonging to a few wealthy estate owners instead of belonging to the multitudes. If you want a picture of what the China Flat area could become, you need only drive up San Marcos Pass above Santa Barbara and look at all the private property signs.


