
Don’t Give Up Control of Sespe Creek

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In regard to Sespe Creek, let’s listen to the few senior keystones we have left. I would offer that we recognize these sages as “Born Here and Over 60.” This retired group is squarely for keeping responsibility for the Sespe in our hands. They talk about personal responsibility and not passing the buck.

Collectively, they say the Sespe needs lots of local help--not distant federal overseeing power and certain budgetary neglect in Washington, D.C. Will we buy into local newcomers’ uneducated, shortsighted but catchy, “wilderness” or “wild and scenic” strategy?

We can keep local control of everything that goes on here in our county only if we don’t let our elected representatives throw it away to our federal government. The final decision to give away our Sespe to the Feds could happen any day. Write Sens. Alan Cranston and John Seymour and Rep. Robert Lagomarsino and let them know we want to keep local control of our Sespe watershed and anything else that goes on in our back yard.


Our local sages see it clearly--day by day we are losing control of our precious local possessions.


