
Noriega Deal in Works, ABC Reports

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Lawyers for Manuel A. Noriega have worked out a plea bargain with federal prosecutors that would set the former Panamanian strongman free, ABC News reported in a radio broadcast late Thursday.

However, Noriega defense sources told the network late Thursday, “There is no plea bargain. They do confirm a meeting on Friday morning, but say it will deal with evidence in the case, not a plea bargain.”

In its broadcast--a transcript of which was released to the media from New York, ABC reported that Noriega’s attorneys have been holding marathon sessions with U.S. government prosecutors who wanted the deposed dictator to plead guilty to one charge that would have led to a 5-year prison term.


Citing unnamed sources in Panama, ABC said the 1 1/2 years Noriega has been in custody would have been subtracted, leaving 3 1/2 years to be served. Noriega’s lawyers, the sources said, insisted on a sentence of time already served and deportation to Israel. The agreement would allow Noriega to move from Israel to France and Spain, but he would be barred from returning to Panama or the United States, ABC said.

A hearing on the plea agreement is scheduled today in U.S. District Court in Miami, the network said.
