
Feeling of Betrayal Over Bradac’s Grove Ouster

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It’s not the same without Tom Bradac (“Bradac Acknowledges Grove Ousted Him” by Rick VanderKnyff, Calendar, July 19). Just knowing he is no longer behind the Grove Shakespeare Festival, as he was for so many years, is a disappointment.

He saw it through its inception, its early years of getting a foothold in the community, its struggle with recalcitrant board members who were often reluctant to come up with the funds to support it, and now, just when all seemed to be going well, he is suddenly pushed out.

Why? Because of his choice of plays? His inability to raise money? Artistic standards that are still at variance with the board’s? It really has not been made clear.


At any rate, for me, a member of a nearby community who has derived much enjoyment from the plays since the festival began, much of its luster has dimmed. Somehow, I feel the same betrayal that Tom Bradac must feel--the very community that he sought to enrich culturally has turned against him.


Buena Park

