
Fans Want Strawberry to Take Responsibility and Hit Some Homers

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Regarding Darryl Strawberry’s lackadaisical play for the Dodgers, his religion could indeed be a factor. Believing that he has placed his life in the hands of a higher being (other than Manager Tom Lasorda) would well lead to some abdication of personal responsibility for his performance on the field. In other words, to a lessening of his competitive edge.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. History is full of examples of high achievers whose performance has been enhanced by a strong religious commitment. On the local sports scene, A.C. Green of the Lakers comes to mind. A.C. is a very religious man. And we all recognize him as one of the hardest-playing and most competitive of the Laker players.

Perhaps Darryl should discuss his religion with A.C.


