
Eliminating F Grades

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The public furor aroused by the recent elimination of F grades by the San Diego city schools is further evidence of the need for two fundamental changes in education. These vital reforms are: (1) parental choice as to the schools children attend and (2) self-governing, autonomous schools, free of interference from educational bureaucrats.

For years, professional educators have argued fervidly over the merits and disadvantages of eliminating failing grades. Parents cannot look to the experts for any consensus on this issue.

Therefore, it is up to parents to decide how much emphasis should be put on grades. To do this, they need the authority to choose among schools that are organized to satisfy their wishes.


It may be that autonomous schools that eliminate failing grades would be popular with parents, and thrive. To the contrary, they may be disfavored by parents, and go out of business. In either case, parents would determine how grades should be given, and not school bureaucrats.

