
Unocal Faces Criminal Charges for Pollution

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For the third time in three years, Los Angeles City Atty. James Hahn has filed criminal charges against Unocal Corp. stemming from air pollution at the company’s Wilmington oil refinery.

In a two-count complaint filed Tuesday, Hahn accused Unocal of air contamination on Sept. 15, 1990, that caused residents near the refinery to complain of headaches, nausea and eye, nose and throat irritation. Air pollution cases that Hahn’s office brought against Unocal in May, 1988, and September, 1989, resulted in payment by the oil company of fines and penalties totaling $98,600.

Tuesday’s charges, filed in Los Angeles Municipal Court, concern the release of toxic sulfur compounds from a flame-tipped flue. Together, the two counts are punishable by fines of up to $11,000. Unocal spokesman Jeff Callender said Tuesday that the oil company has not yet fully reviewed the charges.
