
Officers Showed Caring, Sensitivity

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Early the morning of June 30th, two young police officers came to the door to take my daughters and me to the hospital where my son, James, lay dying from a gunshot wound to the head received during a robbery of a Subway Sandwiches Shop. The two officers were so caring and sensitive. They stayed with my daughters, allowing me to hold my son’s hand during his final moments.

James’ best friend, Brian, had died at the scene. Police officers went to the family’s home to notify them. Brian’s twin sister was alone at the time. The police stayed and comforted her until family members arrived.

In the days that followed the murders of James and Brian, the detectives handling the case were exceptionally caring and considerate with the grief-stricken families and friends while maintaining their professionalism. The detectives’ and officers’ sympathy, empathy, and tears were evident.


During this time when the Los Angeles police force is being criticized, I want to thank all of the officers and detectives who have helped us. Your job is tremendously difficult and often thankless. I found you to be dedicated and caring individuals and believe with all my heart that that is true for most of the police force.


