
Garamendi Plans Huge Fund-Raising Dinners

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Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi, still facing a $600,000 campaign debt, has invited top political backers to huge fund-raising dinners this fall and asked them to raise as much as $10,000 each in return.

In what has been dubbed the “Awesome John” letter by some critics, Garamendi begins:

“What an awesome job I have as Insurance Commissioner. Turning a neglected department around to become the best consumer agency in America is an enormous task.

“I am proud of the work we have already accomplished but we are far from finished. The work ahead of us is exciting and filled with challenges. As an elected official, I also face the challenge of politics and campaigns, which leads me to ask for your assistance. . . .”


Garamendi aide Tom Epstein said the commissioner has not sought contributions from insurers, agents and brokers--in keeping with a campaign pledge. He has, however, solicited donations from lawyers.

When it was revealed toward the end of his campaign that Garamendi had accepted money from as many as 26 wives of the executives of one insurance company, he returned the money without public announcement.

The charge for the dinners--to be held Sept. 26 at the Beverly Hills Hotel and Oct. 10 at San Francisco’s Sheraton Palace--will be $500 a plate. Garamendi’s letter said “chairs and co-chairs will be listed on the program and will be invited to a special reception before the event.


“Chairs are requested to raise $10,000 or more. Co-chairs are requested to contribute $5,000. Those who contribute $1,000 will be sponsors of the dinner and will be recognized on the program as well.”

Garamendi has been mentioned as a prospective Democratic challenger to Gov. Pete Wilson in the 1994 gubernatorial race.
