
Mistaken Identity

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There was a case of mistaken identity in the article reporting the Coastal Commission’s approval of the Encinal Canyon project (Times, July 21). The reporter inaccurately attributed to me the actions and behavior of another person that are completely uncharacteristic of me. The sentiments expressed by that individual, however, about the commission’s uncaring attitude toward the Santa Monica Mountains is undoubtedly accurate with respect to the commissioners who voted for the project. The feelings she expressed were shared by myself and, I believe, by all those who attended in opposition and watched this horrendous decision being handed down.

It was an appalling decision. By approving this massive development, the Coastal Commission grossly erred and set a dangerous precedent that signaled a total abdication of its responsibilities as protector of the California Coastal Zone. The decision may have given a go-ahead to the future widespread urbanization of the Santa Monica Mountains, which under both federal law and the Coastal Act are mandated to be protected from massive development.

Four of the six commissioners who voted for the Encinal Canyon project were appointed by our previous governor. It is incumbent on those who would like to see what’s left of our shoreline and coastal mountains protected to write Gov. Pete Wilson to immediately appoint four new commissioners who will live up to the mandate of the Coastal Act and preserve what little is left of our natural environment.


Your letters with this recommendation will help save our coast from destructive development. Write: Gov. Pete Wilson, State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif. 95814.


Santa Monica
