
Sports and Pets

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Re: “Dogs Get Boot From Encinitas Council” (July 12). For thousands of San Diego County pet owners, exercising their dog is a source of recreation and physical fitness. Our government subsidizes amazing recreational activities, some life-threatening, many bad for the environment, and many that inconvenience non-participants. To wit: hunting, ATVs, jet skis, motor boats; my property taxes subsidize school sports (I have no children and no interest); local government assists the Sports Arena and San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, providing a place for pro-sports activities I have never attended. But I have been tied up in the consequent traffic jams.

All we want to do is to play with our dogs on an isolated rocky beach. It seems like there is some paternalistic moralistic principle working here which says something as innocent and universally debt-free as frolicking with a pet is not acceptable. Killing animals, injuring children, polluting the environment, endangering endangered species and tying up traffic are all OK.

Walking the dog on a Monday morning on a deserted beach is not OK.

What is the big deal? Give us isolated spots to play with the damn dog.

