
Shoemaker’s Progress Allows Removal of Special Head Brace

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Bill Shoemaker has progressed to his next level of rehabilitation with the removal of a shoulder and head brace.

Shoemaker, thoroughbred racing’s all-time winningest jockey, was paralyzed in an auto accident April 8 near San Dimas . He is undergoing rehabilitation at Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colo., where Dr. Indira Lanig said Friday that the halo vest orthosis, secured to Shoemaker’s head with screws, was used to immobilize his injured spinal cord.

“The halo brace allowed us to begin Bill’s mobilization and active rehabilitation process early,” Lanig said. “With its removal, we can progress to the next level of rehabilitation, including learning daily living skills and more active physical and occupational therapy.


“We have been fortunate there have been no ongoing medical problems to impede his therapy. His long-standing good health and strong constitution have been to his advantage during this period.”

Shoemaker, 59, uses a breath-controlled wheelchair and has practiced hands-free computer and telephone skills for future business-related activities. He has also played computer games with his daughter, a hospital spokeswoman said.
