
9th District Is Lacking Input, Representation on City Commissions

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Over the past months, a troubling pattern of indifference to the interests of 9th District residents has become evident in the form of (Long Beach) Mayor (Ernie) Kell’s commission nominations.

Mayor Kell continues to nominate persons residing outside the 9th District to the most important city commissions that affect our community as well as the whole city.

When he does make a nomination of a 9th District resident, it is often without the input of either myself or our local neighborhood associations or community leaders. Over the past six years, I am aware of no nomination by Mayor Kell of a 9th District resident to any of the following important city commissions: Planning Commission, Water Commission, Harbor Commission, Civil Service Commission (or) Redevelopment Agency.


In the case of the important Planning Commission, which rules on vital land-use issues in our neighborhoods, four of the seven commissioners reside south of 4th Street. This commission recently voted overwhelming to approve a 126-foot-high microwave tower next to land zoned for single-family residences, and approved an auto repair business and a tire installation business, both of which are next to occupied single-family homes in the 9th District.

How would Mayor Kell like living next door to a noisy auto repair business or a 126-foot microwave tower?

As far as I and a growing number of my 9th District constituents are concerned, Mayor Kell’s incumbency as mayor has been characterized by increasing insensitivity and favoritism on behalf of his campaign supporters and $1,000 contributors at the expense of the general interests of this city’s 451,000 residents.



Long Beach city councilman

9th District
