
County Should Spare 2 Service Commissions in Cutting Budget

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With respect to your front-page news analysis article on Monday (“Tough Job Awaits Allies of Targeted O.C. Panels,” July 29) about the proposed cuts in funding for the Human Relations Commission and the Commission on the Status of Women, let me suggest that the residents of Orange County might prefer to cut the discretionary funds of the five supervisors instead. The people might also prefer to use revenue-sharing funds on human needs.

The hopes and aspirations raised by the notion and rhetoric of a “kinder, gentler nation” or the “thousand points of light” should be supported and built upon by our political leaders rather than thwarted at every turn.

Human services are needed more than elected officials and bureaucracies that do not respond to people problems, but only to perceived economic priorities.


MARY W. MILLER, Laguna Beach
