
Assessing Views of Taxes, Quality Education and Protest

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Although I am not a teacher, I benefit from the quality of public education. I believe that an educated public is critical to the health of our democracy.

I attended the public hearing by the West Orange County Schools Financing Authority on July 25 to find out what all the signs and hype was about a new tax. I did not receive much information but did witness a lot of angry people who believe that rule is based upon who can yell the loudest.

It seems that the legacy of borrow and spend of Reaganomics has caught up with our local school districts, cities and counties. They are now faced with the responsibility of delivering services without the money to back them up.


During this shift in financing, we are losing a generation of children to mediocrity and ignorance. The $50 assessment to property owners appears to be a stopgap measure to prevent continued deterioration to our schools.

I would love to see the same energy and passion displayed (at the meeting) channeled into solutions for the problems in our classrooms. Until the taxpayers place children as our No. 1 priority, we will continue in this downward spiral.

Those present might consider volunteering at their local schools to bring them up to date with the changes that have taken place in the classroom since “their day.” They might learn something new.


Congratulations to the board for doing what is best for our children and not what is politically expedient.

PATRICIA McCABE, Huntington Beach
