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It’s another sultry summer, and you’re benched at the Bowl again, relegated to the back rows with binoculars, gazing longingly at those sumptuous box seats. A call to the box office inevitably confirms that season box seats are sold out. In fact, of the 5,000 or so box seats, only 20, that’s 2-0, season subscriptions go up for grabs each year. And unlike with New Kids on the Block tickets, there is no civilized way--like camping out for three days--to get them. Around the end of May, when subscriptions are up for renewal, subscribers light up the lines demanding boxes. But of those who call, only the folks with the longest subscription record--usually about 12 years--have a chance. Not that non-box patrons take this system sitting down. According to Bowl staff, they call in all the time to complain. Seems season box seats--which range from $90 to $670--are transferable; owners who lose interest (or mobility) often give them to friends and family. So if you really want the seats in a hurry, start cozying up to the box-seat holder nearest you. Otherwise, grab a cushion, settle in and serve your time.
