
Is Soka Preserving Land or Hogging It?

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I am confused by the vocal and vehement opposition to the development of Soka University in the Calabasas area. I read with alarm the remarks of leaders like Les Hardie who purports to represent the views of his community, and those of Calabasas City Council members.

After attending a community information presentation at Soka University, I believe these views are misinformed or uninformed. Possibly both.

I was unaware that Soka is applying to the county to downgrade the density of this property. I was surprised to find that the property is already zoned for nearly 500 homes, which would have an impact greater than Soka’s proposal.


It is difficult to escape the belief that the vocal opposition is motivated by concerns other than merely environmental. Where were the pickets and demonstrations when this property was being turned into another clustered housing tract? Where was the cry to acquire it for a park?

I am dumbfounded by the rejection of Soka’s proposal to dedicate a substantial portion of the property to the Parks Department and provide for public use of the entire property. I support Soka’s plan to enroll equal numbers of American, international and Japanese students.

It is time for us to get the facts for ourselves and stop listening to the “squeaky wheels.”


ROBERT B. LEFTON, Woodland Hills
