
NOTEBOOK : PADRES UPDATE : Roberts Says That Santiago Doesn’t Deserve the Boos

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Padre second baseman Bip Roberts, in a showing of support for teammate Benito Santiago, said Padre fans should change their attitude about their All-Star catcher if they expect him to remain in the organization.

“It’s not right what they’re doing to him,” Roberts said. “You should have everybody on your side when you’re playing home games, not have everyone turn on you and boo you.

“It’s unfortunate because he’s playing his heart out every game.”

The primary reason for the jeers, Roberts believes, is that Santiago rejected the Padres’ $11.5-million contract offer during the off-season.


“There was a recession going on, and a lot of people were getting laid off,” Roberts said. “But people don’t understand Benny was just trying to get what he deserved. They started blowing everything out of proportion.

“It’s almost like people won’t really appreciate Benny until he’s gone. It seems like neither of us get the respect we deserve. We get more respect from people in other towns than we do our own.”

The Padres were stunned Tuesday to learn that Charlie Townsend, their longtime groundskeeper, died during the weekend because of a heart attack. “He was the best, absolutely the best,” Padre starter Ed Whitson. “It’s devastating news to all of us. He was great to all of us. We loved the guy.” Said Padre Manager Greg Riddoch: “This really hurts. He was like our good-luck charm, always sitting on the bench before games with us. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. This has really gotten a lot of us down.” . . . The Padres released Joe Price from their triple-A Las Vegas team at his request. He was 2-1 with a 2.19 ERA in 26 relief appearances. . . . Whitson, who underwent arthroscopic surgery three weeks ago on his right elbow, has begun long-tossing for the first time since the surgery. “I can’t believe how good I feel,” Whitson said. “I got permission from Dr. (James) Andrews to go on my own program. I’m going to be back before they know it.”
