
Monterey Park Official’s Ouster Hailed

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I would like to remind council members Sam Kiang and Fred Balderrama that a racist can come in many colors, whether it be white, yellow, brown or black.

To deny an American his right to equality and opportunity because of not being your preference of color is not only racist but illegal, even in Monterey Park. Council member Kiang, you’re causing racial hatred between the Asian and non-Asian residents of Monterey Park and you know it!

Council member Balderrama, one must wonder what’s in it for you? Fame, fortune or power?

The majority of Monterey Park residents support the action of our three councilwomen in the firing of Mr. Lewis. Maybe it’s time for Kiang and Balderrama to resign because of their betrayal to the people and their oath of office.



Monterey Park
