
Anaheim Tax Recision Was Right Move

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I genuinely feel for the folks who might soon find themselves filing for unemployment as a result of the rescindment of the 4% citywide utility tax put before the Anaheim City Council recently (“200 Jobs May Die Along With Utility Tax,” July 30).

But I also feel for all the people in the private sector who are losing jobs and just barely getting by due to the unhealthy state of our economy. One doesn’t have to be a financial Einstein to realize that in a market-driven economy, it takes personal spending power to fuel business and the jobs that go with it. Taxes diminish that power.

I think there are others out there who, like me, would rather have more personal spending power than unnecessary government services. The trick is to correctly identify which services, and yes, jobs, should be cut. Personally, I think the police, rescue and fire departments should be spared--but certainly there is fat somewhere in our government that can be trimmed.


We need more officials to follow Anaheim’s precedent and “just say no” to exorbitant government spending and ever-escalating taxation. Otherwise, I’m afraid we’ll all be able to say we work for the government as we sign over our paychecks to dear old Uncle Sam--that is if we’re lucky enough to have a paycheck!

