
HomeAid Reflects a Caring Building Industry in O.C.

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Thank you very much for the inspiring article about the groundbreaking philanthropy of the Building Industry Assn.’s HomeAid (“Orange County’s Builders Conceive HomeAid as a Way to Help the Homeless and Polish Their Public Image,” July 21).

My father was a tile contractor, and I know how big the hearts can be of those who help to construct the family dream. HomeAid Chairman Bob Albertson and Vice Chair Bart Hansen have provided the industry with a perfect vehicle to express their care for the community and also give some visibility to the association.

The single-room-occupancy facility planned for Santa Ana will hopefully be the first of many such efforts to house those who are without homes, including those with mental illnesses.


I appreciate the predictable uncertainty of prosperity in the home building trade and sincerely thank the builders who are leaving a legacy for future generations of our county’s residents.

WENDY KELLEY, Laguna Hills
