
Death of a Coach

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A good friend of mine was laid to rest recently, his ashes scattered among the scenic waters of the Pacific. To many people, however, and I include myself in that group, he was more than just a friend. That man’s name was Lee Trepanier (Coach T, as he was affectionately called).

Lee Trepanier introduced San Diego County to the world of girls’ basketball. He created an excitement never seen in the county as he drove Point Loma High School to four straight state CIF titles, a feat that had not been accomplished before him and may not be accomplished after him.

He created a sense of pride in the accomplishments of his team.

He lifted the game of girls’ basketball to new and greater heights. The success of his teams made other coaches work that much harder. It became a badge of honor to defeat a Point Loma team.


Lee Trepanier considered himself more than just a coach. He considered himself a teacher first. As a matter of fact, it was in the classroom where he derived his greatest enjoyment. It was his skills as a teacher, carrying over to the field of athletics that enabled him to become a successful basketball coach.

The faculty, staff and students of Point Loma High School will miss Lee Trepanier. He gave them so much and left them with so much.

The athletic community of San Diego County will miss him. He is the yardstick by which their efforts will be measured.


JOHN O. ROLLO, Assistant Director, Sports Information, University of San Diego
