
Protest Shifts to Kansas Clinic Not in Court Order; 76 Arrested

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From Associated Press

After more than three weeks of anti-abortion sit-ins, protesters shifted their demonstration Saturday to a women’s clinic that is not covered by a federal judge’s anti-blockade order.

Police arrested 76 people who blocked a back door at the Wichita Women’s Center, where about 250 demonstrators gathered and refused to move, Deputy Police Chief Paul Goward said.

Authorities have made more than 2,000 arrests here since the Binghamton, N.Y.-based anti-abortion group Operation Rescue began a campaign July 15 aimed at Wichita clinics.


U.S. District Judge Patrick F. Kelly’s order covers only Wichita Family Planning Inc. and Women’s Health Care Services, which are suing the protesters in federal court.

Kelly has said protesters arrested more than once for violating his order will be charged with contempt. He also said protesters may not employ delaying tactics such as taking small steps to delay arrests.

Wichita Women’s Center is not a party in the suit and is not covered by the federal court order--a main reason that the protest was shifted, said Pat Mahoney of Boca Raton, Fla., an Operation Rescue leader. No federal marshals were stationed at the clinic.


“With a small number of rescuers, it was felt it was better not to confront a large federal force,” Mahoney said. “We didn’t want to put people in the position of getting hurt.”

Police arrested almost 100 people Friday at Women’s Health Services clinic.

Wichita Women’s Center was open, but a woman answering the telephone said no one was available for comment. Police did not know if any patients had entered. About 40 protesters sat down and prayed at the clinic’s back door, where all the arrests were made, and an equal number camped out at the front entrance.

When officers moved in, protesters went limp and two officers had to carry each by the arms and legs to a nearby bus. As protesters were carried away, protesters from the front of the building replaced them.
