
Corruption, Prostitution . . . Ah, Conforte!

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I moved from Reno to Los Angeles in 1975 because I did not want to be associated with a state (that) so wantonly abuses women via brothels.

Now, as I vacation in Las Vegas, what do I get slapped in the face with this morning? Nothing other than Joe Conforte’s ugly mug on the front page of View (Mr. Madame, July 28).

Please keep in mind that Nevada is one of the most corrupt states in the union. The extent of this corruption is incomprehensible to most mortals.


Politicians have no qualms about selling their mothers or grandmothers for a buck. To keep these brothels going, county politicians have their grubby palms greased regularly and handsomely.

The so-called “legal” prostitution industry in Nevada is a black mark against what might develop into a livable area.

If I owned a restaurant in Reno and Conforte came in, I would make sure he sails through the air on his way to the pavement, teeth first.



Los Angeles
