
SIMI VALLEY : Council May Revise Tree Protection Law

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The Simi Valley City Council is expected to decide today whether to change the city’s tree-preservation ordinance to protect more trees.

The revised ordinance would make it more difficult to remove mature trees on vacant land that one day could be developed, Assistant City Planner Jim Lightfoot said.

The city ordinance now requires a developer to obtain a permit before removing trees on property scheduled for development, he said. It does not apply to land zoned for development but where none is planned.


The revised ordinance would require owners thinking about developing their land to also get permits before removing mature trees, Lightfoot said. A number of variables must be considered before a permit can be granted, such as the type, size and health of the tree and whether there are plans to replace it.

The amended law also would protect smaller oak trees. The size of the protected oaks would be reduced from those measuring 9 1/2 inches in diameter to 2 1/2 inches.

The change has been recommended because native oak trees grow very slowly, Lightfoot said.
