
SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY : Advanced Logic Cuts Introductory Price of 486SX PC

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Compiled by Dean Takahashi / Times staff writer

Advanced Logic Research Inc., a computer manufacturer in Irvine, tried to pump some life into the Intel 486SX market last week by reducing its introductory price for a computer based on the chip to under $2,000.

Intel Corp. introduced the 486SX microprocessor--the central brain in a personal computer--in April as a slimmed-down version of its popular 486 chip, the fastest chip on the market and used primarily in powerful computer workstations.

ALR introduced a PC powered by the 486SX chip in April, priced at $3,295, but it has now added features and cut the price to $1,995. The 486SX chip is 45% faster than Intel’s early generation microprocessor, the 386, and the company hopes that the 486SX will replace the older chip as the microprocessor of choice for desktop computers.


ALR spokeswoman Genny Ortegon said she expects the 486SX line to catch on with time.

She said the market appears to be growing in similar fashion for the 386SX chip, a less-powerful version of the 386 that emerged slowly and then became one of Intel’s most popular chips last year.

“We think this is a very important market and we are being proactive in stimulating demand,” Ortegon said.
