
Mayor Tom Bradley

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Over the past couple of years The Times and other papers have done a good job in keeping the public informed about Bradley’s many money deals with his friends and cronies. The latest in the long list is the Chemfix Technologies endorsement (front page, Aug. 1).

Despite these dealings, which stink to high heaven and the disservice rendered to taxpayers, Bradley blithely goes on coining the dough for and from his friends. We have just gone through an expensive and divisive event in which the chief of police was held to a very high standard and which has resulted in his announced retirement.

During that episode, Bradley was pious about the problem to the point of nausea. It is clear that Bradley and other elected officials need to be held to the same high standard as Gates and any future police chief. If two “terms” are appropriate for a professional chief, then two terms are appropriate for elected officials.



Los Angeles
