
High Life : A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Student Is Getting Real Education

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Marc Coopersmith, who will be a senior at Tustin High School this fall, recently participated in one of two two-week summer camps for prospective teachers on the campus of the University of Indiana in Bloomington.

More than 200 high school students from 38 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, Germany and South Korea will attend the institutes, which are designed to introduce high school students to careers in education.

The Orange County Phi Delta Kappa Chapter 1046 made a financial contribution to enable Coopersmith to attend the institute, which is sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa and the Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.


The criteria by which Coopersmith was selected included scholarship, background experiences and an expressed interest in teaching as a career.

At the institute, students worked with award-winning teachers and had numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills. They also learned about the variety of careers in education and to evaluate their own teaching skills.

Phi Delta Kappa is an international professional fraternity for men and women educators. Membership totals more than 133,000.


“Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.” --George Burns
