
Land Rights and Religion

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Jeff Ourvan’s letter of Aug. 9 totally missed the point of most of the opposition to Soka’s planned development.

The school wants to construct 84 buildings, create 10 acres of parking, uproot in excess of 4,200 oak trees and have a campus population of about 6,000. If they are allowed to start, who knows what these figures might grow to?

The Malibu City Council did not make a snap decision. I was there. The decision was based on one overriding factor--destruction of several hundred acres of a major conservation area in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains.


It is not the objectivity of the City Council that is tainted. It is the motives of the Soka group, which thinks big money can override all other considerations. The frightening thing is, they may be correct.



Wells is director of media affairs for the Coalition to Preserve Las Virgenes.
