
Recruiting Gay Police Officers

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I can’t believe the stupidity of the Police Commission and the City Council allowing gay officers to wear their official uniforms for recruitment of a questionable segment of society. Sure, gays and lesbians are loud and obnoxious in their demands and like Orwell’s pigs, they are more equal than anyone. I fear that our vote-pandering council and biased commission have opened a Pandora’s box. Now every whining minority group can throw a Halloween party, demanding it be attended by officers wearing the LAPD uniform.

This frivolous action is demeaning to each and every officer who, in the past, has worn his/her uniform with the responsibility and pride that has been a part of the LAPD. I can’t think of another action that can be more devastating to the already damaged morale of those hired to protect and serve.

Thank you Mayor Bradley, City Council and Police Commission for totally trashing our very fine officers and the LAPD.



Rancho Dominguez
