
‘Friendly Fire’ War Casualties

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Your article says “ . . . ‘friendly fire’ claimed the lives of 35 American servicemen and injured another 72, mostly Army personnel.” We also read that we established this information by “using high-technology methods to detect chemical traces that U.S. munitions leave behind . . . these being shells made of depleted uranium” which when passing through a target (human body) “leave a trace of radioactivity”!

What kind of smart hardware do we use that allows almost one-fourth of our fatalities to be killed by their buddies? Does this mean that the smart bombs which blanket-bombed Iraq also carried traces of radioactivity? Will Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney please tell us how much is a trace? And can he guarantee that the 72 wounded Americans have nothing to be concerned about? And do the people of Iraq have nothing to be concerned about?

The public has a right to straight answers to the sensitive subject of radioactivity.


