
County Should Quit Wasting Time and Solve Landfill Crisis

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The news analysis (“Officials Think Something Stinks in Garbage Gambit,” Aug. 18) and related editorial (“Dumping a Political Problem?” Aug. 20) based on an anonymous source in the county administrative office are completely off base.

I first learned of the solid waste fiscal crisis and the Anaheim Disposal decision to haul to Los Angeles County from county official Vicki Wilson late last week. I had not previously met or discussed this problem or strategy with the owners of Anaheim Disposal or with the city of Anaheim, the Irvine Co., any members of the county Solid Waste Management Commission or anyone else.

Apparently in The Times’ zeal to renew lagging support for the Gypsum Canyon jail, you have chosen to attack me based on an unnamed source. The people rejected Measure J by 74% of the voters. That should tell us that there is a tax revolt going on.


Your paper’s irresponsible action, using an unnamed source, was compounded by repeatedly citing 1986 campaign contributions (five years ago).

My first campaign in 1986 raised and spent about $800,000 for a primary and general election due to an unusually well-funded and talented field of candidates for what was an open seat on the Board of Supervisors.

I have known the Taomorina family for three decades, and I am very proud that they have always supported my campaigns and hope that they will continue to do so. The Taomorina family has been broadly recognized for their community and charitable efforts in Anaheim and in the county.


Your newspaper reporter failed to cover the events that led up to their business decision to reduce costs by switching to Los Angeles County. I seriously doubt that Anaheim Disposal expected the reaction it got. Anaheim households pay $21.75 every two months for trash pickup! This amount could have been reduced.

Your use of an anonymous source to invent and then speculate about events that never took place insults me and your readers.

DON R. ROTH, Supervisor

4th District
