
A Gracious Man and Special Guest

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Since his death last week, many kind words, and some critical, have been reported about James Roosevelt. I would like to add some of my own to the memory of this first-class gentlemen.

A few years ago, I was producing and hosting a modest cable television program seen in Orange County. My guests were local business, civic, community leaders and celebrities. The program was by no means a “Meet The Press” or “60 Minutes,” but when I invited Mr. Roosevelt to be a guest, he graciously accepted.

Not only did he take the time to appear as my guest, he treated me and the production as though it were some major network program. He had nothing to promote. He was only there at my invitation and to respond to whatever my interview was about. What makes this engagement more significant is that our first taping date was scratched, after he had arrived at the studio, because of technical problems. Mr. Roosevelt agreed to return for another taping date.


That interview with him was the highlight of the 140 shows I have done. The way he conversed with me made me feel like I was some important historian. That half-hour interview seemed over in a fleeting moment, but just as I write about it today, it will always be a fresh and warm memory.

James Roosevelt shall be missed. His death is our loss. His example is our gain.


Laguna Beach
