
Time for Action on Air Station Noise

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I would not mind the fighter-jet noise drowning out my TV at night or waking me in the middle of the night if I thought it was even remotely connected to the defense of our great country. However, the increased activity at the El Toro Marine base, whose fighters wantonly buzz our urban community around the clock, shows very little regard for the safety and security of our neighborhood.

The noise also tells me that the flower of our youth is being trained to impose the will of our government around the world by naked military power.

The noise also reminds me that we have a government of the oil interests, for the weapons makers and by the multinational corporate lobbyists, and we will not have real peace unless we re-establish government of, by and for the people.


When we accomplish that task, then we will sleep well at night, not only because of the reduced noise, but because we will have restored our country to the democratic status that made it great--our true manifest destiny.


Laguna Hills
