
Excerpts From Gorbachev’s Speech

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Here are translated excerpts from Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev’s address to the Supreme Soviet legislature in Moscow:

On Predicting the Coup:

“The coup did not break out unexpectedly, out of the blue. . . . In other words, the conspiracy was ripening. There was more than enough justification to take urgent measures to defend the constitutional order. However, it was not done. . . .”

On His Own Responsibility:

“I, as president, bear the greatest share of responsibility for the failure of the Supreme Soviet mechanism to work, that many members of the Cabinet of Ministers were shamefully helpless and cowardly in the face of the conspiracy, that three organizations having armed forces were headed by people capable of the coup. . . .”


“They say that I have come back to a different country. I agree with this. I can add: A man has come back to a different country who looks upon everything--the past, today and future prospects--with different eyes.”

On Why the Coup Failed:

“There were two major miscalculations made by the conspirators. They thought that our people could be manipulated, sent like a herd here and there. I apologize for this phrase, but this is what they must have thought. But the country is not the same anymore. That’s their main miscalculation.”

On the Republics:

“We must take a specific position on republics that are unwilling to sign the Union Treaty. They must be given the right of independent choice. Immediately after the Union Treaty is signed, negotiations must be started with those who wish to leave the union. Preparations for this can be started now.”
