
Russia and the Ukraine

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Russia and the Ukraine, the two richest and most populous Soviet republics, announced they were forming a temporary military and economic alliance and invited other states “of the former U.S.S.R.” to join them. The main points of their communique:

To jointly support “life-sustaining systems of the population and the functioning of the economy” through a transitional period.

To appeal to all the republics to sign an economic agreement.

To “implement a reform of the armed forces of the U.S.S.R.” and to create a system of collective security, avoiding unilateral decisions on military-strategic issues.


To ensure joint consultation before taking steps that affect their mutual interests.

To ensure territorial integrity as outlined in a bilateral treaty of Nov. 19, 1990.

To pursue democratic transformations and radical economic reforms.

To uphold commitments by the Soviet Union in international relations, including agreements on arms reduction and arms control.

To exchange envoys.


ECONOMIC. Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev said all 15 Soviet republics should sign an economic accord providing for a “common economic space” and offered to co-sponsor with Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin a meeting of the republics.

PATROLS. Latvian and Soviet authorities agreed to jointly patrol the Baltic Sea off Latvia, the first such border accord between Moscow and any of the Baltic states, the Latvian government’s press service said.
