
Outrage Over ‘Hit Piece’ About Hammerman

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I am outraged at the viciousness of the article attacking (Grove Shakespeare Festival managing director/executive vice president) Barbara Hammerman and the board by Jan Herman on Aug. 20 (“No Letup Yet in Scuffling at Grove Festival”).

Mr. Herman’s ravings and rantings seem to be inspired primarily by the fact that Ms. Hammerman has not rushed to answer his many requests demanding information concerning the theater’s operations. When you consider the tone of his article and his “superior” attitude, I’m surprised anyone spoke to him at all.

I don’t need to defend Barbara Hammerman; she does her job and, regardless of Herman’s opinion, does it well. She has worked days, nights and weekends during this crisis and has put in more hours part time than most of us do full time. Herman included.


What I find most obnoxious is his attempt to make board members look like petty little people running around trying to smear (former Grove artistic director) Tom Bradac. That is nonsense.

I was there when Tom Bradac’s resignation was accepted. I was there when he asked that everyone “take the high road” and that he would claim personal reasons and let it go at that. Being aware of the many positive contributions Mr. Bradac has made to our community, I was happy to oblige. There was nothing to gain, nor will there be now, by name-calling.

The fact that Mr. Bradac then decided to go to the press with many items that I find questionable at best, saddens me. The fact that Mr. Herman rolled over like a puppet and bought it all without any questions angers me.


We board members who acquiesced to Bradac’s request did not go out throwing pies. Mr. Herman says when a pie-throwing contest starts, the media should cover it. Yet, Mr. Herman catches one and goes racing to the board to try to get another to toss back.

There are so many positive things happening at the Grove right now that it would be nice to dwell on those. However, that makes for dull reading. I can’t help but feel that if Herman put down Bradac’s shield for a while and accepted the fact we are not all morons, he might learn there were actually some valid reasons for this change in management. If he would rather not, then put him on the editorial page, where his bias can be recognized for what it is.


Board of trustees

Grove Shakespeare Festival

