
Bashing the American Legal System

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I read with interest Vera’s article. Vera, a lawyer, is concerned that someone with authority has breached the Paper Curtain and enunciated the obvious concern about our excessively litigious society that ordinary citizens have realized in impotent silence for several years.

Vera knows the joke is on America. Her statistic that the poor in California have increased in numbers since 1980 by 40% cuts no ice at all. One reason our society is poorer than necessary is the built-in cost of ubiquitous litigation in every product and service we buy. It is a most regressive expense. The poor are especially hard hit by paying their landlord’s liability insurance. The “working poor” are smacked hard by the corrupt legal/insurance system under which all of us pay exorbitant automobile insurance costs in order to provide full employment for a parasite class of ambulance chasers.

Vice President Dan Quayle was right, for once. For every right lawyers in this country have defended, they have eroded two or three others.



