
Battles Rage Against Rate Hikes, New Fees, Assessments and Taxes

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Recently, a number of school districts used the powers granted by the 1972 Landscaping and Lighting Act to impose new taxes. As of this writing, all of these school districts in Orange County repealed these taxes because of heavy opposition by the citizens.

Within the past couple of months, the majority of the Garden Grove City Council used the same 1972 act to impose a similar new tax, but 1,000 citizens didn’t protest the tax as they did against each of the school district’s new taxes. The citizens were also quiet about other new taxes and fees recently imposed by the majority of the Garden Grove City Council.

More than a dozen years ago, Garden Grove citizens, fed up with huge tax increases, used the initiative process to pass Measure B to limit certain taxes. These citizens were also active in getting Prop. 13 passed.


If Garden Grove citizens have now changed so much that they are ready to accept any and all tax increases thrown at them, those of use who have been fighting these new taxes can save money and energy by letting the liberal politicians continue to tax, tax, tax.

BOB DINSEN, Garden Grove. (Dinsen is a member of the Garden Grove City Council.)
